Naquadah Browser

A web browser built in Julia Language from the ground up.

This project is maintained by TravisA9

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What is Naquadah?

Short answer: An experimental web browser that consumes Scss-like code instead of HTML/SVG/CSS

Why would we want that?

Here are some observations on a few languages:

language Structured Expressive Terse
Html Yes Yes No
Css No Yes No
Json Yes So-So No
Scss Yes Yes Yes

One of the principal experimental features of Naquadah is a consolidation of the many langauges into just one. This should greatly reduce the complexity of both the browser and web site/app design. It also opens up new possibilities for the browser.

Take a look at a more recent image: window

Would you like to donate?

A project like this takes consumes a huge amount of time to polish and mantain. Many projects like this have turned out to be a benefit to all. By making a contribution you help make the time spent on development worth while. If you think this project is worth investing in, your donation is greatly appreciated.

A more detailed description of Naquadah:

Although, Naquadah looks and functions much like a standard web browser, you will find that there are a few interesting differences. Like a normal browser, Naquadah principally consists of a layout engine and a render engine built from the ground up. So, it’s not a repackaging of some browser engine such as webkit.

State of the project

Features Working
Tags: div, p, h1-h6, hr, a, pre, circle, page ( ‘path’ is currently under development)
Styles: color, opacity, gradients, size, display, position, border, border-radius, radius, padding, margin, font, alignment and more!
SML: Classes, Templates, Tags, Variables
Float: Left, Right
Display: inline, inline-block, block, none
Position: fixed, absolute, relative
Box-Modal: content, padding, border, margin
Colors: Any color (with or without opacity)
julia: Web browsers usually execute JavaScript. This browser executes julia
Clipping, Text selection, Gradients, Overflow
Shadow DOM: Scrollbars (partially working), window controls
Backgrounds: color, radial-gradient, linear-gradient, image (with optional opacity)
Features In Progress
Shadows: Temporary hack for text/ currently a full implementation is being developed
Feature Not Yet Implemented
Transforms, Transitions, Animations, Columns, Media queries, Max/min, Tables, Lists
Selectors: (.), #, [], $=, *=, >

Just in case you didn’t notice, here are some cool features of Naquadah:

Introducing SML

Initially, I used JSON in place of Html, Svg and Css as web pages. After a lot of thought, I realised that an Scss-like syntax would be much better. It is easier to read and fewer punctuation marks as delimiters. It is way more expressive and looks cleaner. I call it Sml!

General structure

Example of SML as a Web Page

	// This is a comment.

    div{ color:white; padding:10;
        div{	display:inline-block; width: 108;
          font-color:0.21 0.26 0.41; font-size:18; font-style:oblique;
        text:"Presenting Naquadah:"}
        div{	display:inline-block; width: 200; padding:8 0 0 0; vertical-align:middle;
          border-width:2 0 0 0;border-color:0.41 0.51 0.82; border-style:solid;
          font-color:black; font-size:14; align:center
        text:"As a test of julia in General Purpose Computing"; }

        div{ class:MenuButton;	text:INFO}
        div{ class:MenuButton;	text:TESTS}
        div{ class:MenuButton;	text:IDEAS}
        div{ class:MenuButton;	text:ABOUT}
        div{ class:MenuButton;	text:HOME}


Styles can be added right in the nodes but you can also create classes and add the class name to your Sml element. The cool thing here is that Sml classes can apply styles to nested structures. In the example below, you can see that .round-button has styles but contains Circle which also has a style. Both get applied to their respective elements.

    display:inline-block; margin:7; radius:12; color: 0.6 0.6 0.6
    hover{ color: 0.8 0.8 0.8; }
    circle{ radius:12;}

div{ height:39; color:0.6 0.6 0.6; padding:2;
    circle{ class:round-button; circle{ image:"Back.png"} }

Styles are great but what if you want to insert new elements or even whole sections into your web page? For that we have templates! Let’s suppose we want to make a footer for Slashdot…


    class:grid_24 nf;
    div{ id:logo_nf; class:fleft;
        a{ href:"//"; span{Slashdot}}
    nav{ role:"firehose footer"
        ul{ id:pagination-controls;
    ul{ class:"fright submitstory"
        li{ class:fright;
            a{ href:"/submit"; span{ class:opt; text:Story; }}

We can now use @SlashdotGreen as a variable like this: color:@SlashdotGreen; and in a similar manner we can automatically insert a Slashdot footer:


Roadmap for Sml

How To Get Started

  julia> Pkg.clone("")
   julia> include("path/to/NaquadahBrowser.jl")

…or run NaquadahBrowser.jl from Juno or another editor.

Note: you may also have to install Xclip for text copy/pasting just run something like sudo apt install xclip if you are running linux.

Code overview: Warning, always changing!

Click on a node and pull!

General Goals

Wish List:

Take a look at the old version
